Monday, April 6, 2009

How To Make Money Online For The Beginner

This is a blog about how to make money online for those who have just started the learning process and no longer wish to work to make money for a large company while being paid next to nothing for your efforts. These are legitimate online resources for creating your own income.

I have found through extensive experience that writing for "content mills" is the most lucrative way to not only to earn an income, but to also build what is known as a "passive income".

There are content sites where you can accept assignments and get paid an upfront fee for an article written and others where you can get paid upfront PLUS commission every time someone clicks on your article from a search engine or other means. Most if not all of these sites are listed in most of the more popular search engines such as google, yahoo, altavista, msn and so on.. so you need just submit your article and they do the rest.

The following is a list of the sites that I write for and that other people I know write for. A quick review of the site follows each in my synopsis.

1. - This site accepts just about any topic that you wish to write about. They generally pay a small upfront fee for your article and the best thing about this site is that they pay you royalties for every hit you get on your articles. After building up many articles, you can earn some pretty nice commission each month. Associated also comes up in many search engine searches so it is really quite easy to get hits on your work.

2. - This site does not pay an upfront fee for your article, however, like associated they pay commission each time you get a hit on your article. You can write about anything you wish to write about and they are quite liberal about the content you submit. An excellent source for building up some passive income. I added a link to sign up.
Signup to Bukisa, Get Paid For Publishing your Knowledge!

3. - This site requires you to send a sample of your writing.. but once you get approved, you are able to accept assignments and get paid $15 per article.. for 400 - 500 words. They offer a huge array of assignments to choose from. You get paid twice per week through paypal. I have been writing for them for a year now, and find this is the quickest way to make money right when you need it. Plus.. if you get an article rejected, you own the article and can publish it (something that I do) on another site such as associated or bukisa.

4. - I just started writing on this site. From what I am hearing from others, you can earn excellent commission here. If you sign up for an adsense account you can do quite well.

more to come as I research more sites...


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  3. So far, doing good with hubpages. It is proving to be pretty decent in earnings on

    I recommend it!
